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Wonderful Toy from a bygone time

Klaus Aschenbrenner recieved in 1950 this excellent farmset as a Christmas  gift. It was made in GDR.

In 2012 Klaus donated this set to the Heimatmuseum Hoeckendorf bei Dresden in Germany.

Displayed by Aschi's Workshop

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 Klaus was given not only the farm toys, this super horse stable with attached living house was the other present. All parts of the building are wood and has been taste fully hand painted with attention to detail.

All these marvelous hierlooms are now in the museum on display and wil be looked after and admired for generations to come.

The picture far right shows the "Heimat Museum" in Hoeckendorf near Dresden in Germany where the above items are on display.


Klaus's brother Peter makes wooden toys and draws the plans. Check out his page: Aschi's Workshop 

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 Klaus Aschenbrenner (Peter's brother) has a hobby which shows he also has the love for detail and building exciting things.

Klaus is using only a old fashioned "Hand Scroll Saw" to make this beautiful pyramids and as you can imagine there is hours of work tackling it this way

Left: A model of the chuch in Seiffen, Germany.

Rigth: The close up shows the detailed work.

Below: A "Farytail Pyramid" where every panel is a separate story.

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