Toy Maker Zane Wright

Toy Maker Zane Wright
Zane Wright from Geelong, Australia was looking for some wooden toy plans on the internet to build for his son James. He was very excited when he came across  Aschis webpage as there was such a huge variety of plans available. Zane's' projects thus far have included two prime movers (day cab and large sleeper) and a b-double bulk grain tipper which was a modification of the 24ft tipper from Aschi's Workshop plans.  zwjames1.jpg - 77.71 kb zwphoto1c.jpg - 107.21 kb zwphoto2.jpg - 97.31 kb zwphoto5v.jpg - 105.11 kb

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zwphoto1x.jpg - 96.38 kb zwphoto11.jpg - 87.07 kb zwphoto1v.jpg - 93.99 kb Zane Wright used Aschi's Workshop Plans to build this models in scale 1/20

His dad John a primary producer was more than capable of applying the finishing touches of paint and stickers to make the models look like the real thing. The setting of the grain silos in the background further brings them to life. Zane is now working on a low-loader to trail behind the day cab Zane and John have done a fantastic job and can be proud of the results.

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