Model Builder Trevor Rhodes

Model Builder Trevor Rhodes
Trevor is using Toy and Model Plans from Aschi's Workshop
Trevor Rhodes from the UK is a vivid model builder. He builds not only models and toys of trucks, he has a big range of beautiful wooden stuff. trL3c.jpg - 103.96 kb trL2c.jpg - 108.09 kb trL1c.jpg - 99.62 kb

Of couse, he has built a Landrover from Aschi's Plans #188.

Trevor: "Can't stop... hope you keep producing these Fab Plans...

Below, left:

Trevor shows what Bees Wax does to the wooden models. Half of the truck is done, the other have not.

tr2301c.jpg - 91.47 kb Trevor has built the Tow Truck from Aschi's Workshop Plans #230. Trevor has modified... taken away trings/chain to hold up the boom...  tr2305c.jpg - 97.29 kb 230_30s_TowTruck-1c.jpg - 80.59 kb tr2303c.jpg - 69.85 kb tr2302c.jpg - 80.81 kb
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Steam Engine (Plan #124) or Scammell Truck (Plan #128 + #139) from Aschi's Workshop, Trevor likes to build in scale 1:24.


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Trevor is building, building, building... some more is on hids face-book page: Trevor's Wonderful- World Of-Wood. trxallc.jpg - 139.58 kb trf1c.jpg - 110.24 kb trf2c.jpg - 77.1 kb trf3c.jpg - 111.53 kb a212FireTruckc.jpg - 462.02 kb
trpw1c.jpg - 103.66 kb trpw2c.jpg - 60.09 kb Trevor's workshop... the place where is all happens.... Trevor is using Aschi's Workshop Plans. trpw4c.jpg - 86.28 kb trp5c.jpg - 123.07 kb trp3c.jpg - 70.91 kb
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A small collection of the many things Trevor makes from wood...


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