Toy maker Andy Hatting

Toy Maker Andy Hatting
AH_8318.jpg - 122.53 kb Andy Hatting has built this Land Rovers from Aschi's Workshop Plan #188. Andy says: is very easy to build and is a grat result. AH_8313.jpg - 104.84 kb AH_8314.jpg - 99.48 kb
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Andy Hatting from Sout Africa has used exotic wood to create this model. The plan is from Aschi's Workshop #154. ahmay14.jpg - 72.82 kb ah483resized.jpg - 108.06 kb ahmay14_2.jpg - 74.53 kb
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Andy Hatting has made this trucks from selected wood. The plan is #149 from Aschi's Workshop  The truck is in 1:20 scale and very easy to make.

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Andy Hatting from South Africa

is building toys and models, using plans from Aschi's Workshop.

Andy is also building furniture and clocks.


This two prime movers / road tractors are made from Aschi's Workshop Plan #154

Check out the plan fom 

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Center: This clock was a gift from Andy to Peter and Enid from Aschi's Workshop. Is is now the master piece in Aschi's living room.

Left and far right: Master pieces from Andy Hatting's workshop.

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